Masters Thesis Exhibition

Deconstructing + Combining

“Learning how to think really means…being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience.”
—David Foster Wallace

I explore and push what design can be and do. Exploring the potential surprising effects of randomness and chance within structured operations, I collected the top image and corresponding headline from 12 different news sources on a daily basis for the month of March. There are two parts of my project. Book: Each turn of the page triggers a random shuffling of images and corresponding headlines, after which the shuffling stops and two are combined. Cards: I combined the images using projections and long-exposure photography; the headlines are spliced together while maintaining the word sequence of each headline. Combining two to create a new whole invites you to further deconstruct elements of the image, and words of the headline, as you try to make sense of their merging.

See video of the book here and here.

Professor Jorg Becker
Processing Coding major help by Jason Geistweidt

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